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female 20's

沒後悔選擇新埔house,就像第二個家一樣! 與室友們吃飯、分享生活、在客廳聽聽音樂是最chill的事。每天每天都過得很充實,遇到事情大家可以一起解決,有夥伴的感覺真好!是個很溫暖的地方!Sharing life with roommates in Xinpu house is the best thing I've ever had.


male 20's



male 20's

我非常推薦中山國中1!設備都良好,室友們也對我很好喔!I really recommend Zhongshan Junior Highschool 1! The facilities were in good condition and my roommates were great!


male 30's



male 20's

Living in a borderless house has made my life in Taiwan more fulfilling. I was able to interact with my roommates and flatmates, as well as with friends from different flats at Christmas parties. If I live in Taiwan again in the future, I would definitely live in a Borderless House again! 住在BH讓我的台灣生活更加充實。我能夠與室友和同居者互動,還能在聖誕派對上與來自不同公寓的朋友交流。如果將來我再次在台灣居住,我肯定會再次選擇住在BH!


female 20's

Thank you for everything! Residents were all very helpful and friendly, and staff was very helpful. Staff always addressed concerns very quickly and were very flexible with scheduling meetings and move out. 感謝大家!室友們都非常樂於助人和友善,而工作人員也非常樂於助人。工作人員總是迅速解決問題,對於安排會議和搬離的時間也非常彈性。

Chao Wei

male 30's

很高興能入住Borderless House,在這裡我經歷了最精彩的生活,有了滿滿的美好寶貴回憶!在這裡可以跟各國的人交流,藉此認識不同的文化、開闊自己的視野。透過實際與各國的人一起生活,學習如何尊重不同的文化、理解彼此,促進發展多元包容的社會,這是我所感受到的Borderless理念!真心推薦Borderless,在這裡能體驗到的遠超乎你的想像。另外特別感謝staff們,你們是很重要的推手,扮演了很重要角色!!我愛BORDERLESS❤️ I'm delighted to stay at Borderless House, where I've experienced the most wonderful life and created many precious memories! Living here allows me to communicate with people from various countries, enabling me to learn about different cultures and broaden my horizons. Through actual daily life with people from different countries, I've learned how to respect diverse cultures, understand each other, and contribute to the development of a society that embraces diversity. This embodies the Borderless concept that I truly appreciate! I wholeheartedly recommend Borderless, as the experiences here go far beyond your imagination. Special thanks to the staff; you play a crucial role and are essential contributors! I love BORDERLESS ❤️.


female 20's

Though it was only a month but it’s an unforgettable memory. Appreciate all the roomies and staffs I met here. See y’all! 雖然只短住一個月,但留下了難忘的回憶!很感謝所有遇到的室友以及員工們,我們之後再見!!!


male 20's

我大概在borderlesshouse住了8個月。在這邊的生活給我深刻很好的印象,比如說很和善的室友門,特別的活動,很熱情的staff,很疼的時候關心我等等。我不會忘記跟室友的生活。 저는 한국사람이고 보더리스에서 8개월 가량 살았습니다. 이곳에서의 생활은 저에게 깊은 인상을 심어주었습니다 예를 들면, 친절한 룸메이트들, 열정적인 직원들 그리고 제가 아팠을때 관심을 가져주는 사람이 있었습니다. 저는 이곳에서 룸메이트들과 했던 생활을 잊지 못할 거에요.


female 30's

This place is great for me, I didn't search any reviews before choosing the place to stay in Taiwan and I found this place from my school websites of accommodations for students.The staff is really helpful since the 1st day until the day that I move out. This house gave me a lot new experiences of living outside my country and living in shared house which are new experiences for me. I got new (many)best freinds here. They are so nice to me. What I like the most of this house is the weather, you can see the sky and the light from the balcony in the morning, the neighbors are also good, this place is quiet and good for you to study or work. You can walk only 5 minutes from MRT to the house. I hope that if I have chance to come back, I will be back here to stay at Zhishan1 house. 這個地方對我來說非常棒,我在選擇台灣住宿之前沒有查詢任何評論,而是從我學校的學生住宿網站上找到了這個地方。工作人員從第一天到我搬出去的那一天都非常樂於助人。這個房子給了我很多在國外生活和住在share house的新經歷,這對我來說是全新的體驗。我在這裡交到了很多新朋友,他們對我非常好。我最喜歡這個房子的地方是天氣,早上你可以在陽台上看到天空和陽光,鄰居們也很友好,這個地方安靜,非常適合學習或工作。你可以步行5分鐘從捷運站走到這個房子。我希望如果有機會回來,我還會回到這個房子住!!


female 20's



female 20's



female 20's

ボーダレスハウスで本当に大好きな人達に出逢えました! 皆と毎日お家でお話しさたり、旅行に行った思い出は私の人生の宝物になりました! そういった人達に逢えるかどうかは運次第で、ボーダレスハウスに入れば絶対楽しいという訳でもないと思います。でも、私はその人達のおかげで毎日が最高に楽しかったです。 これから住む方達も充実した台湾生活を打送れるよう願っています! 在Borderless House,我真的遇到了我非常喜歡的人們! 每天與大家在家中交談,以及一起旅行的回憶已經成為我生活中的寶藏! 能否遇到這樣的人們取決於運氣,我認為進入Borderless House並不一定就會很有趣。但是,多虧了這些人,我的每一天都過得非常開心。 我希望將來也能有人們過上充實的台灣生活!


female 20's

在borderless house生活中,認識了好多好朋友。多虧露營,爬山等活動,留下了美好的回憶。跟室友們一起交流的時間都是很幸福的!謝謝你們的幫忙! Living in Borderless House, I made many great friends. Thanks to activities like camping and hiking, I have created wonderful memories. The time spent interacting with my housemates was always joyful! Thank you all for your help!


female 20's

I loved living with Borderless House! My housemates and I got along really well, and everything in the house always ran smoothly! The living conditions were very good, and I loved the social aspect of the house. There was always something to do and people to go out with! I had an amazing experience and would love to use Borderless House again if I ever come back to Taipei! 我非常喜歡在BH生活!我和我的室友相處得非常好,房子裡的一切都非常順利!居住條件非常好,我喜歡房子的社交氛圍。總是有事可做,有人可以一起出去!我有一個很棒的經驗,如果我將來再來台北的話,我一定會再次選擇BH!


female 20's

정말 좋은 경험을 많이 했고 좋은 친구들을 많이 사귀었습니다 한국 돌아가기 싫어요ㅠㅜ다음에도 대만에 온다면 다시 보더리스로 올거에요 I have had many truly wonderful experiences and made many good friends. I don't want to go back to Koreaㅠㅜ If I come to Taiwan again next time, I will definitely come back to Borderless House.


female 20's

很開心在這裡住了一年,居住環境交通很方便,也在這裡認識了很棒來自不同國家的朋友,有好多美好、有趣的回憶,是個很棒的人生體驗! I'm very happy to have lived here for a year. The living environment and transportation are very convenient. I've also made wonderful friends from different countries here. There are so many beautiful and interesting memories. It's been a fantastic life experience!


male 10's

Roommates and housemates are very friendly , they can help you solve a lot problems and you won’t feel lonely 室友們大家都非常友善!他們幫我解決了很多問題~也不會讓我覺得孤單!!


female 30's

只是六個月中我有很多開心的記憶了。然後現在我可以打麻將了。雖然我不是學生,在這裡讓我的中文更好的。我一定會更努力學中文回來這裡! In just six months, I have created many happy memories. And now, I can play mahjong! Even though I am not a student, being here has improved my Chinese language skills. I will definitely work even harder to learn Chinese and come back here again!


female 20's

我不僅會想念這個地方,還會想念和我一起生活的人。我永遠不會忘記住在"BORDERLESS HOUSE"的經歷。太感謝你了! I will not only miss this place, but also the people I lived with. I will never forget the experience of living in Borderless House. Thank you so much!


female 20's

Staff are always so so kind and helpful. Thanks everyone. I really like my flatmates and everyone I lived with was great. 員工總是非常友善和樂於助人。謝謝大家。我真的很喜歡我的室友,與我一起生活的每個人都很棒。


male 20's

對我來說,住在Borderless House 中山雙連1是很寶貴的經驗。認識很多好朋友,參加好玩的活動,是好的回憶。感謝我的室友們跟BH STAFF們! For me, living in Borderless House Shuanglian 1 has been a valuable experience. I have made many good friends and participated in enjoyable activities, which are cherished memories. I am grateful to my roommates and the BH staff!


male 20's

As someone who has never had roommates or lived on their own before, Borderless house was an amazing experience with memories to cherish forever. I have made so many friends and lived in a very comfortable environment. It’s perfect for someone who wants to live with people with a similar language learning mentalities and open minds. One of the best parts of Borderless house is the amazing staff, they are so flexible and easy to talk to, easily the most helpful and friendly staff I have encountered with great personalities, as far as becoming friends with the residents! Overall, I recommend Borderless house to anyone who wants to live in a safe and fun shared house and language and culture sharing environment! 作為一個從未與室友同住或獨立生活過的人來說,Borderless House 給予我難以忘懷的美好經驗。在這裡,我交到了許多朋友,並居住在一個非常舒適的環境中。對於那些希望和具有相似語言學習心態和開放心態的人一起生活的人來說,這裡是完美的選擇。Borderless House 最棒的一點就是他們令人驚艷的員工,他們非常靈活且容易溝通,是我遇到過最有幫助和友善的員工,他們擁有迷人的個性,也成為了和居民成為朋友的關鍵!總的來說,我推薦 Borderless House 給任何想要在一個安全且有趣的共享屋和語言文化交流環境中生活的人!


male 20's

I loved living here, as a digital nomad coming to Taiwan and wanting to improve my chinese, this was the perfect place to stay. I love the flexibility of the move in and move out dates that I could choose. It makes it easier to make friends and get used to living in a different country as well. 我喜歡住在這裡,身為一個來台灣的數位遊牧者,並希望提高我的中文能力,這是一個完美的住處。我喜歡可以自由選擇入住和退房日期的彈性。這也讓我更容易交朋友,並適應在不同國家的生活。


male 30's

It was an excellent journey with Borderless. Look forward to cross path with them anytime in the future. 這是一段與Borderless House共度的美好旅程。 期待在未來的任何時刻再次與他們相遇。


female 20's

I don’t have any complains to make, everything was perfect ! To live in Borderless House was a really nice experience and If I have the opportunity, I would live here again ! Thank you all of you for you hard work! 我沒有任何抱怨,一切都很完美!住在Borderless House是一次非常愉快的體驗,如果有機會的話,我願意再次在這裡居住!非常感謝你們努力的工作!


female 30's

國際交流機會難得,人們相處愉快😀跟室友一起玩很開心🥳也是很好的認識朋友的一段時間,希望未來有機會還可以跟大家相聚,相互幫忙,會是很難得的回憶!! International exchange opportunities are rare, and people get along happily. 😀 It was a joy to spend time with roommates and have fun together. 🥳 It was also a great time to make new friends. I hope to have the chance to reunite with everyone in the future, help each other out, and create cherished memories.


male 20's

Thank you everyone at Borderless House for this great experience. The living arrangements you have placed at the house I was at was the best I could ask for. Couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Wait for me, I will return :) 謝謝Borderless House的大家,讓我擁有了如此美好的回憶。 你們為我安排的住宿條件是我所期望的最好的。 再好的經歷都比不上這次的體驗。 請等我,我會回來的 :)!!!


male 20's

Had a great time living in Borderless House. There's a great connection between the different houses and and a real community with all great people. Highly recommend it. 在BH住得很開心。不同的房子之間有很好的聯繫,而且是一個真正的社區,都是很好的人,強烈推薦它!!!!


male 20's

很好的家! 有很多好的回忆,人也很好~ 价格也不错,🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 如果下次也再来台湾的话想再回来这个Daan house Very nice home! Lots of good memories and nice people ~ Price is also good, 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 If next time also come back to Taiwan then want to come back to this Daan house.

Chae yun

female 20's

중국어 발음을 배웠어요. 재미있었습니다. 역까지도 가까워서 좋았어요 방 안에 화장실이 있어서 좋았어요 집 근처에 편의점이 많아서 좋았어요 我學了中文發音。很有趣,家也離車站很近,很方便! 房間裡有廁所很好~ 我家附近有一家便利店真是太好了。


female 20's

我在信義安和過了,我很開心了。我中文說得不好,可是大家都很溫柔,我很高興😊我一定再來台灣!我不忘記在台灣過了時間。謝謝您們:) I've been in XinyiAnhe and I'm very happy now. I don't speak Chinese well, but everyone was very gentle, I was very happy 😊 I will definitely come back to Taiwan! I don't forget the time I spent in Taiwan. Thank you all :)


male 20's

My best advice for new tenants, try to have your first moment in the house during the night. I came in after school, very tired and just wanting to sleep, but I eventually ended up having dinner when all of my roommates were at home and it allowed me to meet them at the perfect time. It allowed me to meet people I will certainly never forget and always love even when I fly back home! :) 我對新房客的最好建議是,盡量在到房子的第一天晚上跟新室友相處。我是在放學後進來的,非常疲憊,只想睡覺,但我最後在所有室友都在家的時候吃了晚飯,這讓我在最好的時間見到了他們。這讓我認識了一些新朋友,我肯定永遠不會忘記,即使我飛回了家,也會一直愛著他們! :)


male 20's

I had a great time in this house. Even if everything was not rosy I am glad I chose borderlesshouse. I learned a lot about myself. A very good experience and the staff was always super friendly and caring! 我在這所房子裡過得很開心。即使一切都不盡如人意,我也很高興我選擇了borderlesshouse。我對自己學到了很多東西。一個非常好的經歷,工作人員總是超級友好和關心人的~


male 30's

I really enjoyed my stay with Borderless! It was a great experience meeting new people from all different backgrounds. The staff are very welcoming and make living here very easy. 我非常喜歡我在BH的生活!在這裡,我認識了來自不同背景的新朋友,這是一個很好的經歷。認識來自不同背景的新朋友是一個很好的經歷。工作人員非常熱情,讓我在這裡生活得非常輕鬆。


female 20's

Great experience with Borderless :) With staff everything is quick and convenient. I really enjoyed it! 在BH的良好體驗 :) 在工作人員的幫助下,一切都很迅速和方便。我真的很喜歡它!


female 20's

シェアハウスは初めての体験だった為、入居当時は不安もありました。しかし、ルームメイトも優しく、短期間の入居にもかかわらず、友達ができました。楽しい時間を過ごせました! 由於這是我在合租屋的第一次經歷,我在搬進去時很擔心。然而,我的室友們都很友善,儘管入住時間不長,我還是交到了朋友。我過得很開心!


female 20's

きた時はめっちゃ不安でしたけど、日本語で問い合わせしても返信してくれたり、不安なことは、いつでも聞ける環境があるので、はじめての留学も問題なく、楽しい日々を過ごせました。ありがとうございました。 我剛來時非常焦慮,但他們用日語回答了我的詢問,我可以隨時向他們詢問我所擔心的事情,所以我能夠順利地享受我的第一次留學。 非常感謝你們!


female 20's

이 집에 와서 룸메들을 만나서 너무 좋았습니당 룸메들도 너무 좋고 스태프분들도 항상 친절하게 대해주셔서 감사했습니당 謝謝你們~ 很高興來到這間房子認識室友,室友們都很好​​,我也很感謝工作人員一直對我很好~


male 20's

보더리스하우스를 통해 대만에서 정말 즐거운 시간을 보내고 갑니다! 모두들 정말 감사하고 행복하세요😊 I really enjoyed my time in Taiwan through Borderless House! Thank you all so much and be happy😊


male 20's

I am happy I end up living here. I find it comfortable and peaceful. My housemates are hospitable and friendly as well, which makes it easy for me to adjust. The location is also convenient since it is nearby the station so I can easily go to other places. Also, the grocery store is just across the street so I can easily buy goods I need. 我很高興我能住在這裡。我覺得這裡很舒適,很寧靜。我的室友們也很好客和友好,這讓我很容易適應。這裡的位置也很方便,因為它靠近車站,所以我可以很容易地去其他地方。另外,雜貨店就在街對面,我可以很容易地買到我需要的物品。


female 20's

我真的很開心住在新埔house!室友們都非常好,我們當了很好的朋友。這家讓我感覺很舒服。在這裡我積累了忘不了的經驗。有機會的話我希望再住在新埔house:) The roommates are very nice and we have become very good friends. I feel very comfortable in this house. I had a great experience here that I won't forget. I would love to stay at the San Po house again if I have the chance :)


female 20's

2ヶ月間という短い間でしたが、お世話になりました。困った事があった時には迅速に対応して下さって助かりました。言語交換のイベントでは新しい仲間と出会えて嬉しかったです。ありがとうございました。 我們在短短的兩個月時間裡得到了照顧。BH很快就幫助我解決了任何問題。我很高興能在語言交流活動中認識新朋友。非常感謝BH!!


female 20's

住在這裡很方便,室友們也都很友善!很開心可以認識不同國家的朋友!!! It's very convenient to live here, and the roommates are very friendly! It's great to meet people from different countries!


male 20's

Overall my stay was a good opportunity to get acquainted with Taiwan and Taiwanese people when I first arrived. Also a great opportunity to practice Chinese as it was definitely the dominant language in the house. 總結來說,住在BH是一個很好的機會,讓我在剛到台灣時就熟悉台灣和台灣人。也是一個練習中文的好機會,因為中文絕對是房子裡的主要語言。


male 20's

綺麗で快適な部屋でした。 地下鉄駅からとても近いため、何をするにも便利な立地です。 夜市が徒歩2分のところにあり、夜ご飯を楽しむことが出来ます。 房間很乾淨,很舒適。 位置離地鐵站很近,做什麼都很方便。 步行兩分鐘即可到達夜市,你可以享受晚餐!


female 20's

這裡是一個很溫暖的地方(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵),我想我會永遠懷念英國室友跑給我的茶,能在這邊跟大概一起住一起玩一起交流真的很幸運! This is a very warm place (˶‾‾ -̫ ‾‾˵), I think I will always miss the tea that my British roommate ran to me, and I'm really lucky to be able to live here with probably play together and communicate with each other!


female 20's

I love staying at Borderless house! I really recommend it, staffs are nice and agile. Good value for place to stay and complete facilities. 我喜歡住在BH的房子裡! 我真的很推薦它,工作人員都很好,效率很好。住的地方很有價值,設施齊全!


male 20's

謝謝室友Vince推薦香港最紅歌曲(士多啤梨啤梨蘋果橙)真的好聽,還有謝謝熱情的兆威照顧大家👍,已經感謝boardless讓我有機會認識不同國家的人! Thanks to my roommate Vince for recommending Hong Kong's most popular song (Strawberry Pear Apple Orange) which is really nice to listen to, and thanks to the enthusiastic Zhaowei for taking care of everyone 👍, and thanks to Boardless for giving me the opportunity to meet people from different countries


female 20's

I really loved living here! I can't wait to be back in Taiwan, and hopefully I'll be able to come back to Daan 4 too! 我真的很喜歡在這裡生活! 我迫不及待地想回到台灣,希望我也能回到大安四來!


female 20's

It was a nice experience to live in a Borderless House and I met great new people that I will be in touch with after moving out! 住在BH,是一次很好的經歷,我遇到了很好的新朋友,搬出去後我還會和他們保持聯繫。


female 20's

可以認識不同國家的朋友還會被投食點心太幸福啦~ You can meet friends from different countries and also be fed snacks too happy ~


female 20's

雖然只在這裡短住了一個月,但在這期間過得超級快樂!室友們各個們是天使! 大家下班下課後都會在餐桌一起聊天,一起做甜點,放假的時候一起出門逛街~真的很推薦大家入住! 再加上因為家中有外國人的關係,入住的這段期間語言真的能大幅進步!免費的語言交換嘿嘿~ Although I only lived here for a short month, I had a wonderful time during this period! Roommates here are all angels! We all chatted together at the dining room table after work, made desserts together, and went out shopping together during the holidays ~ really recommend it! In addition, because there are foreigners in the house, language can really improve greatly during this period of stay! Free language exchange hehehe~


male 20's

たくさんの想い出ができ、楽しかったです。ありがとうございました‼︎ 我玩得很開心,也留下了很多回憶。非常感謝你新埔的大家和staff! ︎


male 20's

Good look to the next resident, I hope you have a wonderful stay at borderless house. Taiwan is an amazing place and I’ve had the time of my life here.


male 20's

It has been a great time here in the borderlesshouse - thanks for everything!


female 20's

I had a very nice time!! 在這裡的這段時光很快樂!!


female 20's

I had a wonderful experience here!! Borderless staff and housemates are so nice that I was looking forward to going back home every day. Thank you for all your support and kindness in Taipei. 我在這裡有一個美好的回憶!!BH的員工和室友們都很好,我每天都在期待著回家。 感謝你們在台北的所有幫助!!


female 20's

Borderless are great. Can’t state it more. Living communally with people is a perfect way to travel. It’s easy to make friends and build a community. Borderless are very communicative and helpful. I’ll hopefully be staying with them again. :)


female 10's



female 20's



female 20's



female 20's

このハウスに住むことができて、台湾での留学生活が何倍も楽しくなったと思います。 スタッフの皆さんにもいつもサポートしていただきました!


female 20's

Because housemates around you will share information with you when you start living here , I think you will feel safer than if you were to start living in a foreign country alone!


male 20's

I had a wonderful time here at the Zhishan 1 Borderless House. I really treasure the memories I had here and the lovely roommates I has that have become a small family. I would also like to thank the lovely staff for all of their help and kindness. I would recommend Borderless House to anyone who is interested in being in an international environment around wonderful and generous people.


female 20's

非常感謝! 我想對朋友推薦BORDERLESS HOUSE!! "


male 20's

The staff service here is good. Being here, meeting, sharing, and talking with others people is a good experience for me because I has learned many things from it. 這裡的工作人員服務很好。在這裡,與其他人見面、分享和交談,對我來說是一個很好的經歷,因為我從這裡學到了很多東西。


female 20's

I lived at Borderless for almost three years. 在這邊認識了很多好朋友。A great opportunity to meet friends from all around the world, and learn about each others' language and cultures. 我住在這裡3年了,在這裡認識很多好朋友,住在BH裡可以認識很多來自世界各地的朋友,也可以學習其他的語言及文化。


female 20's

Living here is very comfortable and recommended for foreigner 住在這裡很舒適,很推薦給其他外國人入住!


female 20's

從住在Borderless House後,我的中文越來越進步了,因為我可以每天跟室友一起聊天。他們都是溫柔跟親切個人,讓我輕鬆。我想再回來台灣!謝謝你們!


male 20's

這是一段難忘且美好的經歷!Here, everything beautiful could happen! I wish you a nice experience!


male 20's



male 20's

Living in Borderless house was unforgettable, I made many new friends and had many great experiences!


male 20's



female 20's

I’m really glad to meet such good friends here and I never forget the memory which we made together here 😉 Good luck with your goal respectively I believe every guys can make your dream come true ~😁😁


male 20's



female 30's

Thank you so much for being so nice with all your tenants. This place was amazing.


female 20's

Staying at BORDERLESS was definitely the most amazing part of my stay in Taiwan! It was because of my roommates that I was able to travel all around the island, my Chinese was able to improve so much, and I was able to make friendships I know will last a lifetime. I’m incredibly grateful to BORDERLESS, and I’m so reluctant to leave—I wish I could do it all over again :)


female 20's

シェアハウスにいたおかげで中国語が早く成長した気がします。とてもアットホームでルームメイトと一緒に旅行できたりしてとても充実した日々を過ごせました。ありがとうございました。 我覺得我的中文進步得很快都要歸功於住在BH裡。它非常溫馨,我能夠與室友們一起度過非常有有趣的日子。非常感謝你。


female 20's



male 20's

Over the summer I spent at Borderless, I had an amazing time making friends with my housemates. Through language and cultural exchanges, I had an unforgettable experience. I will definitely miss Taipower 3! 在BH住了一個夏天,在這裡認識了其他朋友並體驗了很棒的生活!藉由語言及文化上的交流,獲得了一個難忘的經驗!我一定會想念台電3的大家!


female 20's

I've really enjoyed my time in borderless, it's been a lot of fun! 我很享受在BH的生活,非常有趣!


male 30's

Best sharehouse ever! 最好的Share house!


female 20's

大家人都很好,有時候還像瘋子一樣聊天,是個很好的體驗:) Everyone was very nice and sometimes chatted like crazy, it was a great experience :)


male 20's

我很感激有機會在Borderless住。首先,我交了很多新台灣跟國外朋友,再次融入了台灣生活,最後累積了很多好的時光。想要對本地生活進一步了解的話,一定會選擇Borderless. 我永遠不會忘記我在Borderless的期間。非常感謝你們。 I am grateful for the opportunity to live at Borderless. First of all, I made a lot of new Taiwanese and foreign friends, integrated into Taiwanese life again, and finally accumulated a lot of good times. If you want to learn more about local life, you will definitely choose Borderless. I will never forget my time at Borderless. Thank you all so much.


male 20's

是一次新的體驗,學習到很多,如果你想要交朋友、練習國外語言,這裡是你的最佳選擇。這一切都是新奇的,你必然獲得許多,我很幸運的在這段時間過得很好,遇到好的人、好的室友、好的時間,還有好的年歲,我必然不會忘記這裡,以及所有我遇到的人,而這勢必也將成長我許多。謝謝你們。 If you want to make friends and practice foreign languages, this is the place for you. It's all new, you're bound to get a lot out of it, and I've been lucky enough to have a good time, meet good people, good roommates, good times, and good years, and I'm sure I'll never forget this place and all the people I've met, and it's bound to grow on me a lot. Thank you all.


female 20's

Staff人都很好~住在這裡的日子是很新鮮的體驗! The staff are so nice ~ It's a refreshing experience to stay here!


female 20's

非常友善的住處!適合年輕人來共居體驗生活呦! It's a friendly place to stay and ideal for young people to come and experience life together!

female 20's

在三個地方已經生活了三年。我喜歡所有發生好的和壞的事情,使我受到啟發,跟著世界各地的人一起享受生活,我會懷念這一切的。 😇😇 Lived this for three years among three places. Love all the good and bad things happened and enlightened me and ppl around the world enjoyed together. I’ll miss this. 😇😇

male 20's

在新埔house 留下美好的回憶 👍👍👍 Leave a good memory in Xinpu house 👍👍👍👍


female 10's

約3ヶ月ありがとうございました。ルームメイトの方と遊びに行けて楽しかったです。また機会があったらボーダーレスハウスを使わせていただきたいです。 謝謝大家這三個月的時間,我很喜歡和我的室友們一起造訪各處。如果有機會,我還想再來BH。

female 20's

哈囉大家>< 很開心入住這裡~過去幾個月來留下很多美好的回憶!也希望繼續住在這裡的人和未來入住的人都可以在borderless留下印象深刻的回憶! Hello everyone >< I'm very happy to stay here ~ I've made a lot of good memories in the past few months! I hope that those who continue to stay here and those who will stay in the future will have impressive memories at borderless!


male 20's

I had a great time in borderless house. It's good to meet the international community of Taipei and the staff was supporting me with all questions I had. 我在BH度過了一段愉快的時光。很高興能認識台北的國際化社群,工作人員都盡力解決我的所有問題。


female 20's

與來自各地的室友相聚至BORDERLESS HOUSE,每個人帶著各自的期望或目的 平日裡的下班下課後的小酌,因疫情而衝動購買的電子琴,從儲食櫃轉為儲酒櫃 福受桌遊小精靈之賜填滿了空閒裡的歡樂 英日中夾雜的對話 愛情親情事業健康人生經驗讀書會,家鄉佳餚廚藝比併之我負責吃就好 情人節裡單身也是常態,just dance夜店舞池隨時開,自家後花園大安森野餐 我們嘗試、我們互相打氣、我們也磨合菱角。 我們不是一開始就一見如故,我們不是一開始就充滿笑聲,我們是喝了酒開始的🙂 緣份從來沒有斷過,只是各奔東西後,我們有了再次相聚的理由。


female 20's

搬到Borderless house到現在也過了一年多的時間,在這邊渡過了歡樂的時光!謝謝。


female 30's

入住前雖然英文不差,但沒有自信說英文,住了幾個月後遇到很多必須溝通的情況,不知不覺就開口說了,現在看到說英文的人也比較不會緊張了,也積極想學更多的語言。說Borderless House是在台灣的偽出國也不為過,在這裡可以和不同國家的人交朋友、交流文化、一起玩樂、認識很多可能一輩子都不會遇到的遠方國家的朋友,如果沒有出國遊學,或想回味出國的感覺,這裡是TOP1的選擇!一定要體驗一次看看!


female 20's

很開心也很幸運在這裡認識大家,雖然僅有3個月,對我而言是很難忘的時光,跟大家一起相處的時光非常有趣,很喜歡跟大家一起在客廳聊天交流生活,希望未來還能夠繼續跟台北車站的你們一起玩耍,謝謝大家這段時間的包容與照顧^^ I am very glad to meet you guys from different countries here and share the taiwan life with you, Although I only lived here for three months, it is a very different and unforgettable memories for me. Thank you guys for these three months🥰


female 20's

Living in a share house is a great experience for anyone looking to make connections with people from different countries and local Taiwanese people. Plus the house is in a very convenient area!


female 20's



female 20's

非常好玩!謝謝Borderless House 🥰
